One of the best decisions you can make if you do a lot of cooking and especially baking is to invest in a food scale. I know, I know… you are probably saying that using a scale can be time-consuming and cumbersome. The reality is cooking is a science and what better way to get consistent and better yields (fancy scientific terms for more of the same every time) than by using the right instruments.
Here are 3 good reasons to use a scale when cooking;
- Consistency: Have you ever had one of those recipes that you make, and it is amazing, but the next time you make it something is different? You can’t really put your finger on it but it just isn’t the same. More than likely your measurements of ingredients varied from your last outing, thus the varied outcome. When you measure each portion precisely, then you will get the same amount of ingredients each time and your dishes will turn out the same every time.
- Accuracy: A scale provides a level of accuracy that, no matter how steady your hand or sharp your eye when using a measuring cup just cannot bring. Especially when measuring liquids. How many times have you almost pulled a muscle in your back squatting down trying to eyeball if the liquid is right on that ¾ cup line? No matter how many times you close one eye or the other, there is always the chance of human error.
- Less to clean: This is by far my favorite. It is great to just get your big mixing bowl and as you add ingredients you just keep track of the total weight. No more having to pull out a measuring cup, use it for dry goods, wash it out and use it again for wet ingredients, etc. I would highly recommend getting a good calculator, or master the phrase “Alexa, what is ______ plus ______.”
It will take a bit of getting used to, but it is so nice not to have to worry if your cookies will come out the same as last time or if your sauce will have the same great taste as the last time you made it.